¡Hello! ¿Listo para tu aventura cubana?

So, you're ready to experience the magic of Cuba? We're thrilled you're here! Whether you're a salsa aficionado, a history buff, or simply seeking sun-kissed beaches, we have the perfect Cuban tour for you. But before you pack your guayabera and grab your dancing shoes, let's chat!

Contact us

Contact information

Tell us about your travel preferences and desired dates, and we'll reach out with personalized recommendations.

Here are a few ways to get in touch:

Phone number
+53 5 1979211

Send us a message

Max. 500 characters

Our offices

We have offices in Germany, Havana and Canada. You can contact us there 24/7 for any inquiry or suggestion.


Zeppelinstr. 15, 85748 Garching bei München